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This is another bottle from South-East France made in Languedoc circa the last quarter of the 17th century. While the color is a light green, which is not typical for Languedoc, look at the small pontil scar which is typical Languedoc blue green. This is also not one of those common 19th centruy shepherd's flasks that have a very different base and a much larger pontil mark and those 19th century examples are never ribbed as this much earlier bottle is. I count 18 swirled ribs. Aside from some content stain I see no damage. 16.5 centimeters (6.5 inches) tall. A similar gourd shaped 17th century Languedoc bottle can be seen in Antique Glass Bottles Supplement by Willy Van den Bossche on page 18.

17th century French Gourd Shaped Bottle

SKU: 1246
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